A few months ago, my husband Deacon Pat and I found ourselves at Eisenhower Army Hospital praying and waiting while supporting my daughter and son in law as their son Richie had surgery. I, who am not a fan of hospitals, tried to take my mind of the seriousness of the situation by turning my attention to their two year old daughter, Audrey Love. As a mother of eight and a former preschool teacher; two’s and threes have always been my strong suit. Audrey and I always have a ton of fun together. Audrey always brings with her, eyes of wonder, an enormous vocabulary and a very creative imagination. I think it is because as a toddler, she is free, just to be Audrey. She is free to love and be loved. She is free to dance in the rain or just break into a song out loud. Audrey is a free spirit just like her Nana; I hope she will always be.
Moms not only do we need to have wings but we need to pass our wing down to our children. We must teach our children how to fly. The more freedom we have in Christ, the easier it is to teach your children how to live freely in Him. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made each for a purpose. Give your child wings to fly high enough like an eagle in the sky to reach their dreams, but low enough to easily to land safely home. Wings that are not too widely spread that they don’t feel safe in your arms. Wings that sail them on a journey of becoming the best they can be. Teach them to never ever give up. Give them wings.
When you accessorize with virtue your heart is lifted up, your wings expand with pride and you lighten the load of others. You are free, just to be. Think of what a difference we could make in this world if we all, wings and learned to fly. Ladies, if you have wings, the skies the limit.
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