Tuesday, May 19, 2015


In the book of Acts we read, “Even through the doors be closed, Jesus came through the doors.” Every time this scripture is read hope leaps up into the depth of my soul. It is the hope of awaiting a promise that we know that God is going to fulfill. It is the presence of the fruit of hope that Elizabeth felt as she greeted her cousin Mary at the Visitation. The hope which was named by an angel, John leaped in the womb of Elizabeth. Life was present and Elizabeth knew it, despite the fact she had never been pregnant before, she felt it.  Gods’ promises always bring us hope and life. Our Heavenly Father always keeps His promises. He is faithful and true.

How open is our heart to believe God’s promises written in His Word of God?  Mary was open at the Annunciation to receive God’s promises. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary and she conceived of the Holy Ghost. The promise was fulfilled.  Then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Elizabeth was opened to receive the promise, even though she was past child rearing years, her aged womb was young enough to carry her baby boy and feel a leap. Their hearts were open and God poured in life. God opened the eyes of their hearts to receive Him.

What is if the doors of your heart are closed? What if the doors of your children’s hearts are closed? What if the doors of your husband’s heart are closed? Re -read in the book of Acts the story of Pentecost, “Even though the doors be closed, Jesus came through the doors.” Jesus has a way of walking through the doors of even the most locked up heart. His love tenders. Jesus died for those who receive Him into their hearts and those who refuse to. There is always hope.

Thomas the disciple, who we affectionately call, doubting Thomas, needed proof? Did Jesus reject Him? No! Did Jesus correct Him? No! What did Jesus do? He opened the eyes of Thomas’ heart to show him just how much He loved Him. I can just picture Jesus going right up to Thomas and putting out His hands toward him. I can just picture in my mind’s eye Thomas, with a smile a upon his face,  a mile wide. The kind of smile that we sport when we greet an old friend.  

 I imagine,Thomas automatically extending His hand ready to shake with his dear friend. Then giving an affectionate hug that said, to Jesus, "Buddy I sure missed you," without Thomas saying a word. Jesus could read between the lines and He could see Thomas heart. Jesus, the all-knowing God could hear Thomas saying in the silence of his heart, " Man, I thought you were dead." He knew Thomas well. Thomas knew Jesus well. His friend, Jesus who he had walked with, who he had talked with and who he had shared life with.  Jesus, the one who had been crucified. Jesus, his friend who had died. Jesus was now standing right before Him. Seconds before this encounter not only were the doors of the upper room closed, but also the doors of Thomas heart.  In an instant, the eyes of his heart were opened miraculously.  In the time it took for the hands of two friends to join together in a manly grip, hope was restored. Thomas was changed forever.  I can just picture Thomas leaping thru the room shouting, “He lives! He lives forevermore!”  Thomas the Doubter had become Thomas the Declare of Good News. 

Thomas saw with his own eyes and proclaimed with his own mouth. Miracles happen when you put your hand in the nail scared hands of your friend Jesus. The greatest miracles happen in the heart.  The eyes of your heart become unveiled as you see clearly how much Jesus loves you. Not in just words but in actions.  No greater love has no man than to lay down His life for a friend. Jesus death on the cross brought life to this world.  Joy abounds to those who know Jesus as Savior and as friend.

 I am a friend of God. How about you? The more we open the doors of our hearts to Him the more He can fill us with His love. God loves us all best. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Remember where there is life there is hope. God says it He will surely do it. Pray that the eyes of your heart will be opened so you too can declare the Good News. Declare the Good News boldly, like the Blessed Mother, Elizabeth and Thomas. “He lives. He lives forevermore."God’s promises will have us leaping for all eternity.  

Let us pray:
"Come Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of your faithful and in kindle them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and Thou shall renew the face of the earth.  Amen"

Happy Pentecost!!

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