Wednesday, June 24, 2015

20--20 VISION

 Helen Keller has always been one of my hero’s. Her life is a testimony about overcoming obstacles in your life, doing what you can with what you got and, "Being the best you can be!" Despite being born blind, her sight was better than most people.  Helen Keller and I share a common bond.  I too am legally blind with 20 -200 vision. I was the only five year old that I knew of who wore blue glasses to their first day of  school. This was way before glasses of any style or color. were a fashion statement. Years later, those coke bottle glasses were replaced with contact lenses.  Proudly, I became undercover blind; only my optometrist knew my secret defect.  Thankfully I could see clearly, with a little correction.

Marriage is a lot like a good eye exam.  A spouse sees you for what you are,; defects and all. Marriage has a way of taking masks off and revealing the real you, sometimes with no makeup on, sporting bad breath, or on a not so good hair day. Spouses see you when you have one nerve left and everyone is getting on it. They are on the scene when you are over committed and under patient.  They are invited to the pity party when you are out of sorts and decide to tell all. Sometimes they are the bull’s eye that you are aiming your words at; unfortunately those words hit the target of their heart.  Life has no delete button, and there is no rewind or the ability to white out a bad day. What they see is what they get.  Spouses see the parts of our personalities that we are blind to. They are looking at us with 20-20 vision daily; even on the days we do not want to repeat.

 A listening ear to correction can help us hear ourselves clearly with the aid of their 20-20 hearing. Their 20- 20 vision is looking at what is actually going on not just our view, with our rose colored glasses.  If their correction is given with a dose of understanding, and the assurance of their love, it will breed the courage to try and improve.  Everyone makes mistakes, and life is too short to sweat the small stuff.  Helen Keller needed a little help from her teacher Anne Sullivan.  Helen listened attentively, learned quickly and it made a difference.

 Live your marriage well, point out the blind spots to each other in love.  Be the good example to teach the next generation, that a good marriage is one where you bear with one another patiently, and forgive each other from the heart.  Finally, remember to put on your rose colored glasses when looking at your spouse; enjoy the view!

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